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Flutter Türkiye 🇹🇷
Flutter Türkiye Resmi Telegram Grubu Grup Kuralları : https://t.me/fluttertr/4663 Telegram Kanalımız: @FlutterTurk Twitter: https://twitter.com/Flutter_Turkiye Discord: https://discord.gg/bkSkTzw Kommunity: https://kommunity.com/flutter-turkiye
Cyber Folks
No spams, crypto, promotions, carding, social media hacking. This group is specially for beginners who want to learn ethical hacking. This is strictly technical group. Only English. Hacking & programming stuff
Python for Beginners
You can view and join @python_devs right away.
Telegram: Contact @java_programming_learn
Java Programming Chat
Everything related to Java and JVM language programming. https://dontasktoask.com This is an English language group. Advertising without permission lead to ban. If you want help, provide links to your code. Code screenshots are liable to be deleted.
Kotlin ES
This group is to talk about Kotlin development and general programming topics Web http://kotlinspain.io Twitter https://twitter.com/kotlinspain GitHub https://github.com/kotlinspain @kotlinES_bot @kotlinES_channel @kotlinES_support
Shreyansh's YouTube Fam 😌
Group to help you all through out your coding journey Rules: 1) Be Kind 2) No Discussion of live Contests Checkout the youtube channel for latest videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPBYfVKHxpB3bYtJMdW3zQ?sub_confirmation=1
Tech Apprenants group
💨 Join in our programmers unite , if you have any doubt/problems you can ask here and who know the answer they can clarify your problem👍 Join to our official channel👇👇👇 https://t.me/Srishanthgajjaofficial
Coding Master Grp
Hlo Guys, I'll Create this group in which you'll ask your queries & help each other. Also share some useful information. Rules - No Spam No Self Promotion Only Share Useful Information Help Each Other Stay Connected With Us ☺️ Keep Learning 👍
Emergent Coding
You can view and join @emergentcoding right away.