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Results for: #techtalk
GroupLinuxGrupo focado para compartilhar conhecimentos e tirar dúvidas sobre Linux + LPIC.Proibido a divulgação de materiais copyright e pirataria.Bot: @GrupoLinuxbot . Link: https://goo.gl/KQYqhN Steam: https://goo.gl/KgQ0yH Estatísticas: https://goo.gl/Ld1BKMTechnologyView
GroupAndroid Repository: CommunityThe Android Repository community group is a forum for discussing general Android-related topics. Questions are welcome here. [Start From March 03, 2019]TechnologyView
GroupSANDEC (Semarang Android Developer Center)Web : sandec.org Facebook Fanpage : @AndroidSemarang Instagram : instagram.com/sandec.id Be a speaker on SANDEC Lightning Talk : bit.ly/lightningtalksandec Learn + Teach + Grow !EducationView
ChannelCompetitive ProgrammingExperince a new world of algorithmic problems using C++ Channel link: https://t.me/Competitive_Programming_Cpp For any query contact me: @saranyanaharoy You can also share your experiences and ideas with us. We will share it in our channel.Programming & SoftwareView
GroupAEX Discussion KenzoAOSP Extended Discussion Group For KenzoTechnologyView