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ChannelAgriculture Exams LibrarySign up in our official website 👉 https://agriexamlibrary.in/courses 👉 IBPS AFO, FCI, CCI, IFFCO 👉 NABARD GRADE A/B, TSPSC-AEO 👉 ALL STATES AGRICULTURE EXAM MATERIALEducationView
GroupAll exams quiz group🇮🇳⏰𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 𝑻𝑨𝑩𝑳𝑬⏰ 🔰7𝑨𝑴➠mix 🔰8𝑨𝑴 ➠Ca 🔰9𝑨𝑴 ➠Gk/gs 🔰10𝑨𝑴➠Sci 🔰11𝑨𝑴➠Eng 🔰12𝑨𝑴➠Goe 🔰1𝑷𝑴➠ his 🔰2𝑷𝑴 ➠Mix 🔰3𝑷𝑴 ➠ p.s 🔰4𝑷𝑴 ➠Sci 🔰5𝑷𝑴➠res 🔰6𝑷𝑴➠sci 🔰7𝑷𝑴➠math 🔰8𝑷𝑴➠Hind 🔰9𝑷𝑴➠com 🔰10𝑷𝑴➠mixEducationView
GroupNEXT EXAM CLINCAL CASES DISCUSSION GROUP1) Medicine Dermatology, psychiatry, 120 Pediatrics 60 180 2)Surgery Orthopedics, anesthesia, 120 ENT 60 180 3) Obstetrics & Gynecology Radiology 120 Opthalmology 60 180 Total MCQs 540 Among above 540 MCQsEducationView
ChannelIndia Govt Exam (Education News)https://t.me/studyjobeducation इस लिंक से अपने दोस्तों को भी आप जोड़ सकते हो सभी के पास शेयर कर दो इस लिंक को ताकि उनको भी सही जानकारी मिल सके सही समय पर Thanks all StudentEducationView
ChannelInsightsIAS (official) Guidance - Tips for SuccessThis is the official channel of InsightsIAS - created to share important tips, strategies & motivational posts - related to UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation. ☎️: 08069405205 📧: [email protected]EducationView
ChannelExamपुर Quiz For REET/CTET/UP TET/KVS/S TET/ALL TET Exam & Raj Police / Patwari ExamsYou can view and join @exampur_quiz_dabang_gujjar right away.EducationView
ChannelKnowledge Booster📚For SSC,Banking and Railway exam 💫 Daily GK/GS Updates 💫 Daily Current Affairs 💫 Daily Vocab Builder 💫The Hindu editorial 💫Important NotificationEducationView
ChannelCurrent Affairs KeedaCurrent Affairs Keeda One Stop Destination for Current Affairs For Banking/SSC and all competitive exams...!!!! https://telegram.me/CurrentAffairsKeedaEducationView
ChannelCrack Every Exam ™ 🥇🌄Subscribe Now My YouTube Channel & Press the bell icon Also:- https://youtube.com/channel/UC-1K8-Nze8x47kCkIYctsbg Follow My Official Telegram Page for Daily Gk Current Updates & Others Also Click now:- https://t.me/AnilStudyPoint •Promo 👉 @ErbharatEducationView
ChannelAdda247 MarathiGuys you will get content here for Maharashtra State Government Exams, MPSC COMBINED, State Services Exams and Bank Railway and SSC Exams.EducationView
ChannelMADE EASY (Official)The Official Telegram handle of MADE EASY, India’s Best Institute for IES(ESE) ,GATE , PSUs & State Engg Exam preparation. ✅Subscribe MADE EASY Official YouTube: youtube.com/@madeeasyeducation Visit us at : www.madeeasy.in Enquiry No : +919021300500EducationView
ChannelLaw Books Store / Legal books pdfWe Provide all Free Law Books, Notes for Judiciary, LL.B, LL.m & others Law Exam. Ebooks, HandWritten Notes Etc. Contact @AvanishblyBooks & LiteratureView
ChannelUCL Coaching InstituteYouTube channel link 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/@sandeepchoudharymaths We Provide Best Coaching for CET/SSC/BANK/RAILWAY/Police/Patwari and All Competitive Exams Coaching. 7687066664EducationView
ChannelPh¥i¢@l €du¢@tion HubJoin and share 👇👇👇👇. This is an official channel of Physical education. Here you can find all important question related to B.P.ED, M.P.ED ,KVS, NVS, TGT, PGT,and DSSSB exam and also important materials and books .EducationView
ChannelMPSC GeographyHere u can get all useful info about Geography & Agri for competitive exams. @eMPSCkatta @ChaluGhadamodi @Jobkatta @Marathi @MPSCEnglish @MPSCPolity @MPSCEconomics @MPSCHistory @MPSCScience @MPSCAlerts @MPSCCSAT @MPSCMaterial_mv @MPSCHRD @MPSCCsatEducationView
GroupCtet(All State Tet Exam) Quiz8am Current Affairs 9am-CDP 10am-EVS 10:30am - English 11am- HINDI 11:30am - SANSKRIT 4 pm - Science 8pm- SOCIAL SCIENCE 9pm- Gk 10pm - Computer 11pm-offEducationView
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