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Results for: #UX
ChannelLinuxgram 🐧News and info from the Linux world 🐧 📨 [email protected] 📨 💸 If you want to support Linuxgram❤️ 🐧 - BTC: 15aVLQeNY18VAaoBXPgLFA4wfwJnecbjC1TechnologyView
ChannelCyber Security Channel🇮🇹 Canale Telegram dedicato al mondo della Cyber Security, Hacking , Linux, Windows11, Windows Server, Active directory, programmazione Python HtmlTechnologyView
GroupReact Native — русскоговорящее сообществоОбщаемся на тему React Native. Вопросы. Новости. Идеи. Про React.js, Redux и Relay - @react_js. Кейсы: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/showcase.html Вам могут быть полезны: @javascript_jobs, @ios_ru, @android_ru.TechnologyView
Grouparchlinux_ruЧат для общения пользователей Arch Linux и дистрибутивов на его основе.Цитатник @archlinux_ru_quotes Зеркало в православном матриксе #archlinux_ru:matrix.org Правила чата : https://t.me/archlinux_ru/1504315 ArchGaming - смотри пин.TechnologyView
ChannelGraphic DesignerThis channel for graphic designer, UI | UX👩🏻🎨👨🏻🎨 and motion graphics 👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 🖥️🖱️⌨️ Orders : @Graphics_designerr_admin1Art & DesignView
GroupLinuxGrupo focado para compartilhar conhecimentos e tirar dúvidas sobre Linux + LPIC.Proibido a divulgação de materiais copyright e pirataria.Bot: @GrupoLinuxbot . Link: https://goo.gl/KQYqhN Steam: https://goo.gl/KgQ0yH Estatísticas: https://goo.gl/Ld1BKMTechnologyView
GroupDesigners Hub - UI/UXCommunity to share queries, post tips, latest trends and tricks relating to UI/UX design development. Articles from across groups into one repository. Lets Go Design! Related Channel: @designdropsArt & DesignView
GroupUnDiaUnaAplicacion(Grupo)Grupo para hablar de aplicaciones, distribuciones u otra temática de Linux. @canalAprendeLinuxTechnologyView
GroupVue.js — русскоговорящее сообществоОбщаемся на темы, посвященные Vue.js и опыту его использования. Правила: https://github.com/vue-js-ru/code-of-conduct - Nuxt.js: @nuxtjs_ru - Вакансии и резюме: @vuejs_jobs - Менторы, петы, стартапы: @vuejs_playgroundTechnologyView
ChannelProduct Manager’s DiaryFear and Loathing in Product Management, UX, Research, Scrum, Technology, Office LifeTechnologyView
GroupMX LinuxThe international telegram group for the users of MX Linux operating system. Please use English. Group Rules here : https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEznGP3UXSlwc1S6lg MX Linux - Midweight Simple Stable Desktop OS.TechnologyView
Channel⚡ Deepin Channel ⚡News about the deepin Linux distribution. @deepinchannel FYI, we use the deepin logo with permission from a deepin team member.TechnologyView
Channellinux-newsЛенивые новости из мира linux. Никаких новостей о новых версиях.TechnologyView
GroupArch Linux Indonesia 🇮🇩Komunitas pengguna distribusi Arch Linux Indonesia 🇮🇩 Baca, patuhi Rules/Peraturan grup https://telegra.ph/Rules-Arch-Linux-Indonesia-06-04 ID: -1001050564567TechnologyView
ChannelDESIGN FREELANCERS: Logo & Branding | Visuals & Creatives | Web & Apps | UX/UI | Prints [Best Designers For Business/ProjectLooking for freelance designers? Explore our curated feed and lists of skilled freelancers specializing in logo design, branding, visuals, web and app development, UX/UI design, and prints. Join us now and click on the pinned message (Main menu) 0ddf0b2Jobs & FreelancersView
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