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Results for: #Elearning
GroupEnglish and Russian chattingInternational english and russian speaking group for improving language skills.. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- @voice_chat_in_english _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Language LearningView
GroupAzure, AWS, .net, Python, ML & DataSciencePython Programmers Adda 24/7 to learn python programming from beginners to advanced. If you are looking for starting your journey in Machine Learning / Data Science, then join us. Resource - @python_resources_iGnani Practice - @python_projects_repositoryProgramming & SoftwareView
GroupZero to Pro English Speaking🌐 Let's Learn English™ international group 📌Respect Our Group's Members💭 ⚠️Type & Talk just in English ⚠️No irrelevant posts 🔴No PV 🔴No porn,No spam 🔴No ads,No links 🆘Type @admin to inform adminsLanguage LearningView
ChannelЗуев | ZujevLinguist. Dev. Father of three. Increasing entropy one post at a time. Drop me a line at @antzoo if you dare.Language LearningView
ChannelUdemy Free[100% OFF ] Free udemy coupon with certificate. This channel is handled by official udemy course instructor. ( Via Bot)EducationView
GroupWECCO Kyrgyz ChatБардык акыркы Wecco жаңылыктары кыргыз тилинде төмөнкү даректе жайгаштырылат: Telegramдагы расмий канал https://t.me/wecokygyz Каналга жазылыңыз жана компаниянын долбоорлорундагы бардык окуялардан жана өзгөрүүлөрдөн кабардар болуп туруңуз.Language LearningView
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