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ChannelPOLICIA LOCAL SAN ANDRÉS DEL RABANEDOInformación de interés para la ciudadanía del municipio de San Andrés del RabanedoNewsView
ChannelCODEHCIUComisión para los Derechos Humanos y la Ciudadanía | Asistimos y representamos víctimas de violación de derechos humanosOthersView
ChannelUNICEF_esTrabajamos para que se cumplan todos los derechos de todos los niños y las niñas. Te unes?EducationView
GroupGameromancer: il podcast videoludicamente scorrettoGameromancer è una ribellione contro chi si occupa di videogiochi per (e con) lucro. I videogiochi sono arte, cultura, vita. E in quanto tali assolutamente personali. Più info? Digita /robautilePodcastsView
GroupInforge.net (Inattivo siamo su Discord)Inforge.net una forum community italiana, nata nel 2007, con lo scopo di connettere tutti gli appassionati e esperti di Videogiochi, Sicurezza Informatica, Programmazione, Tecnologia e Finanza Digitale. Canale: https://t.me/inforgeGamingView
GroupProject Open Society | English LobbyProject Open Society in the end trys to create an advanced societal structure trough sustainable living but also to reach it's goals, has as business model a decentralized organization with disruptive sub-projects in all relevant fieldsBusiness & FinanceView
ChannelWeb developer🚀 Hey everyone! Are you in need of a stellar website or a stunning landing page? Look no further! I'm a top-notch web developer specializing in full-stack development, pixel-perfect design, and transforming any design into captivating landing pages. 💻✨Jobs & FreelancersView
GroupKotlin ESThis group is to talk about Kotlin development and general programming topics Web http://kotlinspain.io Twitter https://twitter.com/kotlinspain GitHub https://github.com/kotlinspain @kotlinES_bot @kotlinES_channel @kotlinES_supportProgramming & SoftwareView
ChannelVlivetricks -Best Telegram Channel for Earn Money,Loot deal, offersWe are now on telegram. This is the official Channel of Vlivetricks.com to get free recharge tricks, Free real cash, Referral code, Earn money Tricks and Much moreBusiness & FinanceView
GroupMba students📚 *GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, CAT Students Study Circle* 📚 * FREE Notes * Doubts/Queries * Discussions about Studies * Tips, Tricks & Strategies from Seniors * No Spamming, No Unnecessary Notifications For promotion contact @CaandcsstuffsEducationView
ChannelOverabstractedUnderground dark minimal scene highlights. Loseless. Q/A: @touchableopacity Abstracted Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/starcowsky Core community: https://t.me/+Kl1BG0whYhJjZmEy Abstracted Producers: https://t.me/+92dRhHpyUNQ5YmMyPodcastsView
GroupMesse Token info chatWelcome to MesseToken! Messe Token is committed to creating a reliable distributed global blockchain decentralized exhibition platform with transparent and symmetrical, collaborative information.Crypto & BlockchainView
ChannelNFT3COM | CRYPTONFT3 acts as a unified virtual identity framework across all Web3 application layers and a pathway toward enabling personal monetization and identity-leveraging.Crypto & BlockchainView
GroupAndroid NDK (C++) — русскоговорящее сообществоОбщаемся на темы, посвященным Android-разработке на C++. Обмен новостями, опытом и наработками. + Про Android: @android_ru + Про iOS: @ios_ru
+ Кофе и код: @coffeeCodeEverywhere + Вакансии: @mobile_jobs Рекомендуем отключить уведомления.Programming & SoftwareView -
ChannelIngress Updates [ENG]Crossfaction Ingress Updates Live Anomalies | Scanner Updates Rumors | Agents Pictures Send your pictures to @carlobolla, @GigaThunder or @GloomyQueen Donate > ko-fi.com/ingressupdates Founder: @GigaThunder This channel is not affiliated with NianticGamingView
GroupUbuntu Linux Brasil 🐧🇧🇷Um chat voltado a usuários entusiastas do Ubuntu, software livre e open source. Desde 26 de março de 2016. Leiam as REGRAS! https://t.me/ulboficial/162876 Ubuntu é uma marca registrada da Canonical Ltd. Linux é uma marca registrada de Linus TorvaldsTechnologyView
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