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Results for: #quiz
ChannelCurrent Affairs Vijayयहाँ आपको प्रत्येक दिन करंट अफेयर्स, क्विज़ तथा वन लाइनर Gk उपलब्ध कराये जायेंगे. Upѕc,Baηĸιng, Ssc,Nтpc,Groυp-D,...eтc All Oтнer Eхaϻѕ.EducationView
ChannelCurrent Affairs & GK ,GS Quizइस चैनल में आपको प्रतिदिन करंट अफेयर और जीके जीएस ( GK ,GS ) के Quiz उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगेEducationView
GroupCOMPUTER AWARENESSWelcome #COMPUTER_AWARENESS GROUP Quiz #SUNDAY QUIZ TIME: 8 PM Banking Awareness: @StudyHard_BeSmart Collect pdf # @bankingawarenesschannel https://t.me/bankingawarenesschannelEducationView
GroupBio kimyo quiz guruhSo'kingan ✈️✈️✈️ Haqoratlashgan🚀🚀🚀 Adminlar bilan gap talashgan ✈️✈️✈️ Bir birini kamsitgan 🚀🚀🚀 Lichlaga o'tishini taklif qigan ✈️✈️✈️ Bo'mag'ur gaplar yozganlar✈️✈️✈️🚀🚀 😊😊😊 @Otmishimdan_xotiralarimGamingView
GroupExam Quiz in Hindi⏰Quiz's Time And Rbse 12th biology and 10th science video and pdf nots 6 to 7 biology quiz in hindi For other biology grup @biologyhindii @bio_guru For science quiz @sciencequizzz For Neet hindi @NeetinHindii For all competition exam @gyanbinduuEducationView
GroupELECTRONICS JE QUIZ 👍👍Electronics engineering quiz ISRO[TA] BARC[ST] DRDO[TA] DAE[SA] DMRC JE UPMRC JE NPCIL [ST/SA-CAT 1] IOCL[JEA] RRB JE and other DIPLOMA level exam.EducationView
GroupTarget Neet 2023-2024⏰⏰Quiz Schedule ⏰⏰ 🔸8:00 AM - Biology 🔹11:00 AM -Chemistry 🔸2:00 PM - PCB mix Quiz 🔹5:00PM - Physics Quiz 🔸8:00 PM- Bio/P/Che. PYQs 🔹10:00 PM - Bio rapid fire Plz Join @Tneet2022 and share ❗️ 💫OWNER - @D3V1L_G1RLEducationView
ChannelGk-india14👍Here you can get daily currents affairs questions,quiz and quiz competition.EducationView
Group🔴10th class🔴💯Quiz Group 2023🔴💯🎯🔥Quiz Timing 👇👇 🔴💯1St quize - 7:00सुबह हिंदी🔴💯 🔴💯2nd quize - 6:00शाम संस्कृत🔴💯EducationView
ChannelSpanish LoversDocuments, quiz, link @spanishloversssLanguage LearningView
GroupNeet Hindi quiz and doubt discussion👍Only for serious medical aspirant 😍 Tricks and Pnemonics 😊 Handwritten notes available 😊All doubt discussion 😊 Respect all girls For any help message : Group adminEducationView
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