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Results for: #Science
ChannelAstronomy Picture Of the DayAstronomy Picture Of the Day A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each dayScienceView
ChannelEthiopian Space Science SocietyA nonprofit, civil society organization that promotes and advances astronomy, space science, and space technologies in Ethiopia through space awareness activities, educational programs, and a nationwide developmental program.EducationView
GroupStudy point by shaktiWelcome to our group ❣️❣️🙏🙏 RAJASTHAN GK ,SSC , RAILWAY , DEFENCE , GROUP D , BANK , NEVY , AIRFORCE All Exam Question Answer , Test , Pdf All Metireal in this group Join And share my group 🙏🙏 #studypoint #gk #indiagk #rajasthangk #math #SCIENCEEducationView
Groupℝ𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 & 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤This group WAS created to discuss Religion, History, Science and anything in between ... 🤷♂️HistoryView
ChannelZeroPointEnergyForumExploring the edge of science, physics, meta-physics, magnetism, nantechology, new and alternative energies of all varieties.ScienceView
ChannelScientific DocumentariesRegular updates of new scientific documentaries posted on the website www.scientificdocumentaries.comScienceView
ChannelFrontend TextbooksКрупная база книг по Frontend. Наши каналы: + Книги по Python – @python_textbooks + Материалы по Data Science – @ds_notes Куратор: @masha_goroshkoTechnologyView
ChannelCurrent affairs & newsHistory, geography, science, economicNewsView
ChannelNeue Medizin BibliothekMedizinisch-biologische Themen auf wissenschaftlicher Basis kritisch beleuchtet. 💡Fundierte Recherchen für nachhaltiges Wissen.ScienceView
GroupМониторинг качества воздуха и всего, что может в нём присутствовать**Качество окр.среды, способы мониторинга, защиты, улучшения и адаптации. Приглашаем в sensor.community! Канал: @breathemoscow !! Технический чат: @code4russia Политика - ок, но за разжигание - мьют, потом бан. Религиозные темы не уместны, удаляем.ScienceView
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