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ChannelHelios Protocol NewsHigh speed and scalable, Low transactions fees, smart contracts, dApp platform and much more. Main Group: @heliosprotocol Web Site: heliosprotocol.ioTechnologyView
Channelpro.JVMСообщество разработчиков под JVM и Android Java Scala Kotlin Groovy Clojure Тут отборный bytecode))) Наш чат: @jvmchat https://t.me/jvmchat Наш VK: https://vk.com/projvm Вакансии: @jvmjobs Связь @larevProgramming & SoftwareView
ChannelGolang JobsПостоянная и проектная работа для Go разработчиков. Размещение вакансий: @chan_editor Contacts: @chan_editor Вакансии для разработчиков в blockchain проектах @blockchainjobJobs & FreelancersView
ChannelInvestigate EarthAncient Titan Tree Stumps, Giants Petrified in Mountains, Giant Petrified Mushroom Homes. Mummified Tree Dwelling Bats found in the Grand Canyon Rock Caves? What is happening to Earth? What is the Mother Plant telling us? Time will tell. ❤️Nature & EnvironmentView
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ChannelProject Hydro Duyuru KanalıYou can view and join @projecthydroduyuru right away.Crypto & BlockchainView
ChannelDino Olivieri / Onyrix.comOlivieri Dino / Onyrix.com #musician #novelist #electronicartist #illustrator #computerscientist Official ChannelMusicView
ChannelBELDEXBeldex is a leading confidential dApp ecosystem consisting of decentralized and confidential applications that include BChat, BelNet, Beldex browser, the Beldex protocol, and the Beldex bridge.TechnologyView
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ChannelMonetizar Fondos VirtualesDesbloquee la monetización/intercambio genuino de fondos virtuales con nuestro algoritmo seguro y conexiones expertas. Monetize virtual funds to bitcoin ⁃ Monetize virutal assets to bitcoin ⁃ instant monetization ⁃ Monetize Global business PayTechnologyView
GroupWOM Protocol 🇷🇺 RussiaОфициальный сайт: womprotocol.io Официальный 🇷🇺 новостной канал: https://t.me/WOM_Official_Ann_RussianCrypto & BlockchainView
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