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GroupJAI KARNATAKA JAI KANNADA❤️💛🌹welcome to our friendly group 🌹 🌿 dont share ur personals 🌿not links are allowed 🌿no adult message 🌿move on friendly 🌿no private chat 🌿respect for all member 🌿 kannada or English or teluguLanguage LearningView
Group𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 🛍️Pekin tovarlari🇨🇳 Sifatli va hamyonbop🔥 Dastavka hizmati butun O'zbekiston bo'ylab🚖 Eng asosiysi hech qanday aldov yo'q ❌ 1-qo'l Admin: @Safiya_Styleuz Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun nomer +998910141050Fashion & BeautyView
GroupVidyCoin (VIDY & VIDYX)Welcome to the Official VidyCoin Telegram Group 👅 Vidy is the world's first decentralized ad network, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Official Website: www.vidy.comCrypto & BlockchainView
GroupBybit IndonesiaBybit adalah Platform Pertukaran Spot dan Derivatif Cryptocurrency yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperdagangkan hingga 100x leverage pada kontrak Inverse dan USDT Perpetual Situs web: https://www.bybitglobal.com/id-ID/Crypto & BlockchainView
GroupCartel Traders Club - чат трейдеров международного клуба Картель👋 Добро пожаловать в клуб трейдеров Cartel! Нас уже 100 000+ участников! ✅ Общение и обмен опытом. ✅ Обсуждение сделок. ✅ Обучение и наставники. ⛔️Запрещено: мат, реклама, религия, политика, флуд, спам Присоединяйся к профессионалам!Business & FinanceView
GroupWww.prajapaticab.comPrajapati Cab Service Ahmedabad 9824139734 AHMEDABAD gujaratTravelView
ChannelAdeeMusicall bollywood song collectionMusicView
Channel🅰️ ASTRATEQ® FOREX RESEARCH & CONSULTANT.✅Life Time Free VIP Trail Channel. ✅95% Daily Result. ✅Live Result sharing with our members. ✅Technical | Fundamental analysis ✅Explore this Channel get all your answers. ✅No fake advertisement or false 🌐 Website : www.Astrateqfx.comBusiness & FinanceView
Channel@manhajulhaq"Kembali kepada Manhaj dan Akidah Salaf" Pengampu Channel : Ust. Fikri Abul Hasan, حفظه الله Alumni Ma'had Ihya' As-Sunnah Yogyakarta Tegur dan Sapa : +6289605546952EducationView
ChannelU.S EmbassyAddiss AbabaThis is Official telegram channel of U.S Embassy in Addis AbabaPoliticsView
ChannelAdnkronos RSSYou can view and join @adnkronos right away.NewsView
Channel🆓BestForex-signals channel👑World Class #FOREX Signals ⭐️BECOME A VIP👉 https://bestforex-signals.com/#vip-plans 🖥TRUSTED FOREX BROKER: https://bit.ly/3lhNU3K #forextrading #fx #traderBusiness & FinanceView
Channel🌍RK Bansal Trades🌍Index, Equity Cash/Future/Option & MCX Trading In Stock Market & Securities Product Entails Significant Risk Of Loss/Profit Which Must Be Understood Prior To Trading. Therefore, Carefully Consider Such Trading As Per your Financial Condition. ***PCYFABTBusiness & FinanceView
GroupHarmony ONE Traders - Price discussion & funA cozy place for Harmony ONE community to talk trade, discuss strategies, share memes, and organize community-led initiatives. Note: This is an unofficial Harmony price discussion group. Admins are not Harmony team members.Crypto & BlockchainView
ChannelTelegram: Contact @tornado_foreign_tvEntertainmentView
ChannelAgademy.in - Online Agri Academy🌱📚Initiative of IMoT Agri Media Grp, helps u to prepare agri related competitive exams. We post articles, news, quiz for various exams including UPSC Agri optionals, Agri / Horti officer exams, etc. https://linktr.ee/IMoT 👁 Agademy.in | imotforum.comEducationView
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