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Results for: #School
GroupRS School | UkraineНорми поведінки: https://docs.rs.school/#/code-of-conduct Анонси: https://t.me/rss_announcementsEducationView
GroupSchool of AI - São PauloSomos um grupo local da School of AI idealizada por Siraj Ravel {www.theschool.ai}. Nosso principal objetivo é democratizar o conhecimento de IA em português. A Escola é nossa, minha, sua, de todos. Todos nós somos a Escola de Inteligência Artificial.TechnologyView
ChannelNCERT BOOKS PDFFor School Students - For UPSC Aspirants Download Free NCERT Books PDF (Hindi+English+Urdu Medium) High Quality NCERT Books Download Essential For UPSC SSC State PSC Aspirants For queries @ajay_boudhEducationView
ChannelGRAND Language SchoolИнформационный канал языкового центра "GRAND" Тел/Факс +99871 237 09 00 E-mail: [email protected] Адресс: пл. Х.Олимджана, 13А. Карта: https://goo.gl/L7ou1y facebook.com/grandtashkent web: www.bemidavs.uzLanguage LearningView
ChannelBiology Practice Questions MCQsThis channel provides Biology MCQs and topical Quizes for our High School students.EducationView
ChannelRobotics Lab - Kelajak biz bilan 🦾Robotics Lab - Dasturlash va Robototexnika bilimlarini mukammal o'rgatuvchi ta'lim markaz 📞 +998953401070 👨🏻💻 Murojaat uchun: @roboticslab_schoolEducationView
GroupHAWAS ADAMA PREPARATORY SCHOOLይህ ግሩፕ በዋነኝነት የተከፈተበት አላማ ፦ ♦ ትምህርታዊ ጥያቄዎችን ለመጠያየቅ ♦ መፅሀፎችን ሼር ለመደራረግ ♦ አዳዲስ ትምህርት ነክ የሆኑ መረጃዎችን እንድትለዋወጡ በማሰብ ነው። ♦አልፎ አልፎም ሽልማት ያላቸው ውድድሮችን እናዘጋጃለን ⚠️ ሆኖም በዚህ ግሩፕ ውስጥ - ❗️ሌሎች ነገሮችን መልቀቅ(link) ❗️እርስ በርስ መሰዳደብ ❗️fake app መልቀቅ ከግሩፕ ያስባርራል ።EducationView
GroupTeachers Punjab PakistanPunjab school teachers, Pakistan Contact @aaqil @itsnomyEducationView
ChannelJava Tutorial Advanced to BeginnerIt will help you to start codding using Java programming language. At end of the day we will have projects and we will you your school projects.EducationView
GroupLOLTOKEN-BY-EIU.ACLOLTOKEN is backed by a consortium which owns several international kindergartens, primary & second schools (www.wells.ac.th), business school (www.bsm.ac.th) for the past 20+ years, & a French Government recognized University (www.eiu.ac) www.loleiu.ioEducationView
ChannelThe Language SchoolYou can view and join @thelanguageschool right away.Language LearningView
Channel✝️OLD/NEW SCHOOL TATTOO ART✝️Sorry, mom...Art & DesignView
ChannelSG Student PromosA dedicated group for students with affordable deals & latest budget activities 👉 Feedback/Enquiry: tco.sg/sgstudentpromosform 👉 Follow us: tco.sg/telegramcollective Genre: Lifestyle, School, Study Tips, Student Life, Career Plan, Educational, SkillsEducationView