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Group🇨🇦CELPIP IELTS 🇨🇦Preparatory20191) CELPIP 2) BC Computerized IELTS-GT, FAST Results BC-CD IELTS-GT (Pune, Surat, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Delhi Dwarka/GK, Banglore, Overseas-BC.) Plan it:- Download the Group media👇 https://t.me/joinchat/HksDgEk7_ExT4_sC5k4aVg Don't send other GroupLinkLanguage LearningView
ChannelTOEFL Prep OnlineBoost your scores with TOEFL prep online! Why you should take TOEFL? 1. For higher education in a foreign university 2. To take admission in an English language learning program 3. To apply for a study visa Our methodology WORKS!!!EducationView
ChannelDaily Current Affairs & Gk📌Daily Current Affairs and General Studies MCqs 📌Join for preparation of UPSC SSC Railway Defence and State PSC exams. ☎️ Admin Contact👉 : @ManhasGEducationView
ChannelRAS/RPSC 2022-23 ( 22 pre +mains)You can view and join @rasrpsc right away.EducationView
GroupHAWAS ADAMA PREPARATORY SCHOOLይህ ግሩፕ በዋነኝነት የተከፈተበት አላማ ፦ ♦ ትምህርታዊ ጥያቄዎችን ለመጠያየቅ ♦ መፅሀፎችን ሼር ለመደራረግ ♦ አዳዲስ ትምህርት ነክ የሆኑ መረጃዎችን እንድትለዋወጡ በማሰብ ነው። ♦አልፎ አልፎም ሽልማት ያላቸው ውድድሮችን እናዘጋጃለን ⚠️ ሆኖም በዚህ ግሩፕ ውስጥ - ❗️ሌሎች ነገሮችን መልቀቅ(link) ❗️እርስ በርስ መሰዳደብ ❗️fake app መልቀቅ ከግሩፕ ያስባርራል ።EducationView
ChannelSSC Mock Test🔺 @eSSCmassala for SSC Prep 🔺 @SSCtalks for SSC Discussion 🔺 @BPSCmassala for BPSC Prep 🔺 @eBPSCtalks for BPSC Discussion Admins: @meLancerEducationView
ChannelUTKARSH in ENGLISH@UtkarshClasses is one of the most preferred institute when it comes to dynamic learning and preparation through classroom and online coaching with modern techniques alongwith one of the best app where learning is so simple and interesting.EducationView
ChannelVision IAS (Official)The official Telegram handle of VisionIAS. The country's leading institute for Civil Services Examination preparation. Visit us at: www.visionias.in Enquiry no.: +91-8468-022-022 , +91-9019-066-066EducationView
GroupGEOGRAPHY {optional}Useful group for UPSC aspirants.... Please share any useful materials if u have...👍 And keep discussing about the subject related things. 👍👍 Click here 👇 https://telegram.me/tchannelsbot?start=iasoptionalgeographyEducationView
GroupTARGET IAS-KASKAS Prelims Discussion Group ...! All types of Hints & materials📝📝 Selected e-books📚📚, pdf materials 📄 , Test series 📄, tricks to learn, from various sources for competitive exams.EducationView
ChannelAdvance Law™कायदा या घटकाची परीक्षेच्या दृष्टीकोनातून संपूर्ण तयारी करून घेतली जाईल...!!! तुमच्या नोट्स, प्रश्न, MindMaps, Flow Charts...etc तसेच तुम्हाला वाटतील असे महत्वाचे प्रश्न नक्की share करा @kalpesh_Parate Contact Admin :- @kalpesh_ParateEducationView
ChannelMW Legends LabA channel to keep you in track and help you in the competitive exams preparation. Join us on: www.medicalwizardry.com Facebook: facebook.com/medicalwizardry Instagram: instagram.com/medicalwizardry Telegram: t.me/medicalwizardryEducationView
ChannelTelegram: Contact @kpscexamspreparationEducationView
GroupTarget1 Reet 2021👉 Daily Quiz available by Experts Class NOTES for LEVEL 1and Level 2 students exam related discussions or study material. Old Reet exam papers available here Join here 👉PDF https://t.me/testonlineseriesEducationView
ChannelLST4LAW | LST4CLATThis group is for CLAT and OLETs. Get guidance from best faculty members for your CLAT prep. Lawentrance - India's leading LAW Test Prep institution, producing Toppers over last 17 years. 🌐www.lawentrance.com | WhatsApp - 8448811794 | Call - 08045217830EducationView
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