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Results for: #Programming
ChannelCoding at NightA channel for those who deeply love programming.Programming & SoftwareView
ChannelEngineering AddictFor true addicts of Engineering! News, articles, videos and podcasts in various topics, such as Electronics, Programming, Applied Science and more! Admin: @forGGeTechnologyView
ChannelGlobal NewsNews from the field of engineering, science, programming, technology and the discovery of humanity.ScienceView
ChannelPoint-X.co officialPoint-X - Blockchain Rewards Program. Point-X — a new smart program of rewards and loyalty. Our mission: Provide opportunities, not limitations.Crypto & BlockchainView
GroupC/C++/42 Império do Brasil1) Não pode mandar Bom dia/tarde/noite. 2) Stickers e off-topics são permitidos com parcimônia. 3) Adhominem são proibidos. Quem abusar dessas regras, toma um delete. Se abusar demais, toma um delete de todo o histórico do usuário. De resto, vale tudo.Programming & SoftwareView
ChannelTOEFL Prep OnlineBoost your scores with TOEFL prep online! Why you should take TOEFL? 1. For higher education in a foreign university 2. To take admission in an English language learning program 3. To apply for a study visa Our methodology WORKS!!!EducationView
ChannelAutomatics & Robotics & Arduino📚Let's talk: 🛠 DIY 📟Arduino & Raspberrypi 🔋Electronics & engineering 🕯Soldering & 3D printing 📲IoT & Web services 🔝 Startups 🖨Programming & OS 🌱RU group @arduino_cis 🥝Chat is closed 🍓Only cooperation questions (other will ban) @DaniilZhukTechnologyView
GroupJavaScript Noobs — сообщество новичковПомогаем друг другу разбираться с JS Правила: https://teletype.in/@js_noobs_ru/rules Другие полезные чаты — https://github.com/goq/telegram-listProgramming & SoftwareView
GroupLoser Hacker ®★Hacking ★Tools ★Cracking ★Programming ★Freenet ★Phishing★Sniffing★Doxing★SQL Injection★ Vps★Vpn★Spoofing★Botnet Canal Oficial: @LoserCanalTechnologyView
ChannelLeyzymoy ModsOfficial Leyzymoy Channel Channel with modified applications Group: @group_leyzymoy My Blog: @leyzymoy_blog Everything is published for informational purposes only. You download the programs at your own risk.TechnologyView
GroupJava DevelopersLearn Here and Become Java Full Stack DevelopersProgramming & SoftwareView
ChannelE-learningOnly E-LEARNING Channel on Telegram ✌️ Course of Udemy, Lynda, Infinity Skills,etc. With torrent links are available. 📍 Hacking 📍 Programming Languages 📍 Website Development 📍 Android & IOS App Development 📍 Engineering CourseEducationView
GroupHacker May CryЭтот чат создан для взаимопомощи в сфере информационной безопасности, хакинга и программирования. Канал: @purple_team_diary За рекламу сообщества отдельное спасибо^^TechnologyView
Channel🇬🇧 UK Premium DealsUK Premium Deals are a participant of the Amazon Associates Program, Links on this Group are Affiliate links providing us with commission if you use the links and make purchases at no extra cost to you.ShoppingView
ChannelOpportunities Circle (scholarships fellowshowships internships exchange programs )Opportunities circle is world leading youth portal provide opportunities like scholarships, fellowships, internships, jobs and many more https://www.opportunitiescircle.com/EducationView
ChannelStock Photo & Stock Vector᭄𓅓(@stokvektor) is a channel dedicated to everything that matters to the designer (courses - images - vector - programs - Shutterstock - Freepik - Adobestock), all of which are free, coordinated and easy to download without advertisi 071e3e4Art & DesignView
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