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Results for: #Environment
ChannelPolkastarter Official AnnouncementsPolkastarter is a fully decentralized protocol built for cross-chain token sales and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralised and interoperable environment.Crypto & BlockchainView
GroupGreenHashes CommunityGreenHashes Goals by 2026:- 1) Mine 1 Block of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Monero & ZCash per Day 2) Absorb 100 Ton of CO2 per Day 3) Plant 30,000 Trees per Day [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/GreenHashesOthersView
ChannelGlobal EHSHey guys, Global EHS is a site to share information and knowledge on Environment, Health (Occupational Health), Fire and Safety (EHS). Pls join and share to spread awareness. No unwanted messages in channel, only talk about EHS and Fire.EducationView
GroupEcoingot OfficialWe are reimagining what it means to be environmentally responsible thanks to Blockchain◻️🔗◻️. By integrating AI & Machine Learning we've gathered data to create the #InternetofCarbon, a platform for individuals to balance the carbon impact of everything.Crypto & BlockchainView
ChannelWater NewsTrusted source of aggregated water news. Search/RSS: https://bigearth-data.com/?t=waterNewsView
GroupМониторинг качества воздуха и всего, что может в нём присутствовать**Качество окр.среды, способы мониторинга, защиты, улучшения и адаптации. Приглашаем в sensor.community! Канал: @breathemoscow !! Технический чат: @code4russia Политика - ок, но за разжигание - мьют, потом бан. Религиозные темы не уместны, удаляем.ScienceView