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SANDEC (Semarang Android Developer Center)Web : sandec.org Facebook Fanpage : @AndroidSemarang Instagram : instagram.com/sandec.id Be a speaker on SANDEC Lightning Talk : bit.ly/lightningtalksandec Learn + Teach + Grow !EducationView
♋️ SOCHAD69 ♋️Minting Super Chads in DeFi's 🌆 Club 69. Ultra-deflationary token, low supply token. Bonus Pool/War Chest for co-investments, staking, farming, other trade ideas etc. #1 priority is maximize price ⬆️ t.me/sochad69 | Twitter: @sochad69Crypto & BlockchainView
Contentos RussiaContentos — это децентрализованная глобальная экосистема контента. https://linktr.ee/ContentosRussiaTechnologyView
Starta ICO ENGStarta ICO allows you to participate in early stage startup investments with minimal entry capital requirements and high liquidity of crypto assets. startaico.comCrypto & BlockchainView
UniLend Finance Official CommunityUniLend is building the future of Web3. Enabling community to create and co-own functional on-chain AI agents, also the first-ever permissionless money market. Official Announcement Channel : @UniLendAnnouncementCrypto & BlockchainView
📊 BINARY TRADE📊📉 (J.P MORGAN BANK)✅Free Advance Signals with one Martingale. ✅Free Live signals without Martingale.(Compounding Trades) ✅Premium Indicators and Premium Strategies ✅Access to Advance signal Generation tool(you can create your own Signals)Business & FinanceView
YouTube ENGAGEMENT & Sub4Sub Group#1 Mega Links: @NewMegaLink Buy VIP / Growth: t.me/joinchat/RFVo10yB9mDpNAtb82Tjiw Crypto: t.me/joinchat/RFVo10_CIXOxfAZAebu74w (sponsored ad - tested & vouched)Social MediaView
🇨🇺Cuba Ventas/ComprasGrupo creado por #Live para que los cubanos puedan exponer y comercializar sus productos, servicios, y ofertas publicitarias agregadas. Permitimos enlaces, encuestas, canales y otros grupos de Telegram. Propiedad de @Islagram.ShoppingView
Telegram: Contact @medicalentranceHealth & FitnessView
IDDevOpsDevOps adalah grup yang khusus membahas mengenai deployment app ke server. Silahkan berbagi dan ikuti aturan yang ada. Link : @IDDevOps Admin : @hendisantika34 @Jasoet @desduliantoProgramming & SoftwareView
Blogging SEO👍👍Fix All type blogging and website making errors and problemsTechnologyView
Java Programming ChatEverything related to Java and JVM language programming. https://dontasktoask.com This is an English language group. Advertising without permission lead to ban. If you want help, provide links to your code. Code screenshots are liable to be deleted.Programming & SoftwareView
GLPI Francophone CommunityGLPI communauté FrancophoneTechnologyView
On Campus Exam Solution 2023Hello Everyone, Motto of this group is to help everyone in their "On Campus Exam" for free.EducationView
The Silent Dealers❤️ [Group Discussion]✅ Welcome To TSD - The Silent Dealers Discussion Group❤️❣️ Channel Link - https://t.me/+Sd5dwRRCWWLPtAcA It is only for Discussion & Help. Don't 🚫 Share Any Referral Or Promotional Content! (Else You Will Be Banned!) ✅Do Dva only✅Social MediaView
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