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Telegram IT JobIT Вакансии и резюме в офис. Tech Vacancies and resumes. Questions: @stekov_me. Vacancies «AWS» @stekov_me. Внимательно читаем ПРАВИЛА в Пине! https://t.me/myjobit/105338 IT events and news: @startupnews | @eventsmoscowJobs & FreelancersView
Animation Zone™Les langues autorisés dans le groupe : le français et l'anglais !!Language LearningView
DBEE PUNJABDistrict Bureau of Employment and Enterprises, Punjab. Department of Govt. of Punjab. You will get all the updates regarding Govt. & Pvt. Jobs, Placement Fairs etc.Jobs & FreelancersView
Worldwidemeds ICOWebsite: https://worldwidemeds.online Whitepaper: www.worldwidemeds.online/assets/images/logo/WDMDCOINS.pdf Twitter - http://twitter.com/meds2018 Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/worldwidemeds2018 Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/company/worldwide-medCrypto & BlockchainView
XAUUSD/Gold Champion 🏆 FREE CHANNEL‼️Your best source for XAUUSD/GOLD signals‼️ Scalp and Swing trades 🏆 📲message @Goldchampion1 to upgrade to VIP Risk Warning: CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.Business & FinanceView
Timbirichi 🇨🇺Compra/Venta 🇨🇺 ®️Grupo creado para la Compra y venta en Cuba Si desea promocionar su anuncio las 24 horas al día los 30 días al mes contáctenos @Yordy_90 #compra #venta #alquiler #casa #mueble #celular #movil #serie #keratina #xiaomi #samsung #iphone #split #timbirichiTravelView
Soporte técnico mercocaribe📌Este canal ha sido creado para que todos los clientes de la Tienda Online MercoCaribe aclaren cualquier tipo de duda respecto a nuestro servicio.Business & FinanceView
Zipaquirá Online Ventas, Empleo, Comercio.Grupo de la ciudad de Zipaquirá y municipios aledaños, contacto más directo con tus clientes. El grupo no tiene límite de usuarios!Jobs & FreelancersView
Dhiraj Sharma Mumbai Businessपोस्ट करने के लिए ग्रुप में 10 सदस्यों को जोड़ना ज़रुरी है। Please Add 10 Members In Group To Post. ग्रुप और आपके बिज़नेस के विकास के लिए आपके सहयोग के लिए धन्यवाद। No Share any link only 4 photo allowed PLEASE FOLLOW THE GROUP RULES.Business & FinanceView
MOVE TO NEW CHANNEL - SEE PINShttps://www.experiencepoints.io XP is a rewards incentive and digital currency combined to a single blockchain designed to reward gamers, students, people positively contributing to society and providing a universal high streetCrypto & BlockchainView
Skywire MetaGeneral discussion of Skywire. Features, deployment, underlying technologies, future upgrades, intent, scope, legislation, etc. For tech support, join @Skywire.TechnologyView
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure [Esp]Canal de memes: @memesdejojo Canal con los capítulos: @JoJoMP4BluRay Canal manga: @JoJo_Color_Esp No pasar píes, No pasar porno de ningún tipo Si leeis esto llamad lindo a @Magnvz NOS MUDAMOS DE GRUPO: @JoJolionEspMemes & JokesView
Momentum ProtocolMomentum Protocol offers a worldwide standard infrastructure for loyalty and reward tokens which can be rolled out by brands on the Blockchain with great speed and ease.Crypto & BlockchainView
Doge UserBot Support 🐾❤️ We can fix your Doge Bot's problems here! ㅤ 📣 Announcements & updates: @DogeUserBot ㅤ 🧩 Plugins & funny modules: @DogePlugin ㅤ 💬 Off-topic chat: @SohbetDoge ㅤ 🔎 Frequently Asked Questions: @DogeFAQSocial MediaView
OKOIN.io — ENGThe first decentralized blockchain-based VR platform for 100 % anonymous adult content distribution https://okoin.io VR CASINO OKO Project that integrates virtual reality, blockchain and smart contracts technologies in offline casinos https://oko.casinoCrypto & BlockchainView
Ingegneria sismicaCondivisione di temi relativi a calcolo strutturale e progettazione di interventi in zona sismica. Aggiornamenti sulla nuova normativa tecnica. Promozione di soluzioni tecniche innovative. Diffusione di articoli scientifici sulla sismica. Software BIM.ScienceView
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