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Band Protocol 中文社区Band Protocol 是领先的数据治理协议,在 Web3 架构上扮演重要的查询功能,透过良好设计的预言机,可将真实世界的链下信息传递给链上的智能合约,释放 DeFi 与 Dapp 的无限潜力。关者网络提供支持,其中包括全球最大的风险投资公司之一红杉资本和领先的加密货币交易所币安。TechnologyView
Xiaomi и флудНеформальное общение здесь. Все твои друзья здесь. Здесь все. Войсы без сабов и вата будут удалены. Чат только Xiaomi: @MiDevices Чат покупок и акций: @good_price228 Дискорд: https://discord.gg/WykPnGu Статистика: vk.cc/5i1panTechnologyView
OKX Official Portuguese GroupNotícias OKX e compartilhamento de ideias. Encorajamos e agradecemos todos os comentários e sugestões dos clientes. https://t.me/OKXCanaldeNoticias/Crypto & BlockchainView
Werewolf NocturnalSederhana saja, jangan saling meresahkan! SELAMAT BER-FAFIFU RIA! Tambahkan channel untuk mengetahui informasi terbaru -> @wwnocturnalchannel Tambahkan bot untuk mengirim salam dan berbagi informasi di channel -> @WWNocturnalBotGamingView
ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 & 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤This group WAS created to discuss Religion, History, Science and anything in between ... 🤷♂️HistoryView
Satoshi Club SpanishPara propuestas de AMA contacten a @neko_oke Channel: @satoshi_club_channel EN: @satoshi_club CN: @satoshi_club_cn RU: @satoshi_club_ru ID: @satoshi_club_indonesia https://esatoshi.club/ https://twitter.com/esatoshiclub @satoshiclubcourtroomCrypto & BlockchainView
WordPress Hispano📚Sitio para debatir, compartir conocimientos, trucos, herramientas y novedades de WordPress en español.TechnologyView
📚TRADING KUCOIN - IDEAS📚Este grupo es para debatir ideas y propuestas del Canal de Señales de Trading para Kucoin @signal_trading_kucoinBusiness & FinanceView
Horizon Protocol (OLD - we have moved!)Horizon Protocol is a DeFi platform facilitating the creation of on-chain synthetic assets representing the real economy Announcements https://t.me/HorizonAnnouncements horizonprotocol.com github.com/horizon-protocol twitter.com/horizonprotocolCrypto & BlockchainView
Flutter Kerala 🌴Flutter developers of Kerala under one ☂️ For beginner tutorials, check out our Github repo: https://github.com/FlutterKerala/Flutter-Tutorials We also feature cool stuff, on our repo, give us a shout if you have built something cool.TechnologyView
NBOX OfficialNBOX is a Guild DAO2.0 Autonomous GameFi & SocialFi Platform, which provides diversified services for Metaverse players, guild conveners, and game developers. NBOX Official: https://www.nbox.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NboxOfficialGamingView
Debates FilosóficosBienvenidos al mayor grupo de intercambio cultural, político, reflexión científica, y filosófica. Operamos también en Whatsapp y otras redes. Somos pioneros de otra forma de abordar la ciencia y la filosofía.EducationView
Wedding Planning Nation (Nigeria)Wedding Planning Nation is a meeting place for newly engaged brides to be to network with other brides. Network with certified &verified Vendors with offers & deals. If this sound like what you are looking for, then this is a group you should join, ASAP.Parenting & FamilyView
HubDAO Official CommunityDECENTRALIZED FINANCIAL ECOSYSTEM BASED ON GOVERNANCE Official channel Website: https://www.hubdao.io APP: https://www.app.hubdao.io Telegram group: https://t.me/hub_DAO_Community Twitter : https://twitter.com/hub_dao Medium : https://hub-dao.medium.com/Crypto & BlockchainView
Rei do DogecoinGrupo destinado a hypes/investimentos em Dogecoin, Bitcoin e Litecoin. Links apenas com provas de pagamentos atualizadas e próprias. Canal de compra e venda de criptos: @vendasreidodogecoinCrypto & BlockchainView
Catalunya Rocket LeaguePer poder jugar tots junts amb xat de veu utilitzem la plataforma Discord. Us deixem l'enllaç aquí: https://discord.gg/TvSfk7vGamingView
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