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Inforge.net (Inattivo siamo su Discord)Inforge.net una forum community italiana, nata nel 2007, con lo scopo di connettere tutti gli appassionati e esperti di Videogiochi, Sicurezza Informatica, Programmazione, Tecnologia e Finanza Digitale. Canale: https://t.me/inforgeGamingView
Project Open Society | English LobbyProject Open Society in the end trys to create an advanced societal structure trough sustainable living but also to reach it's goals, has as business model a decentralized organization with disruptive sub-projects in all relevant fieldsBusiness & FinanceView
Kotlin ESThis group is to talk about Kotlin development and general programming topics Web http://kotlinspain.io Twitter https://twitter.com/kotlinspain GitHub https://github.com/kotlinspain @kotlinES_bot @kotlinES_channel @kotlinES_supportProgramming & SoftwareView
Mba students📚 *GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, CAT Students Study Circle* 📚 * FREE Notes * Doubts/Queries * Discussions about Studies * Tips, Tricks & Strategies from Seniors * No Spamming, No Unnecessary Notifications For promotion contact @CaandcsstuffsEducationView
Messe Token info chatWelcome to MesseToken! Messe Token is committed to creating a reliable distributed global blockchain decentralized exhibition platform with transparent and symmetrical, collaborative information.Crypto & BlockchainView
Android NDK (C++) — русскоговорящее сообществоОбщаемся на темы, посвященным Android-разработке на C++. Обмен новостями, опытом и наработками. + Про Android: @android_ru + Про iOS: @ios_ru
+ Кофе и код: @coffeeCodeEverywhere + Вакансии: @mobile_jobs Рекомендуем отключить уведомления.Programming & SoftwareView -
Ubuntu Linux Brasil 🐧🇧🇷Um chat voltado a usuários entusiastas do Ubuntu, software livre e open source. Desde 26 de março de 2016. Leiam as REGRAS! https://t.me/ulboficial/162876 Ubuntu é uma marca registrada da Canonical Ltd. Linux é uma marca registrada de Linus TorvaldsTechnologyView
PlayStation Italia CommunityGruppo PlayStation aperto a tutti i videogiocatori🎮🕹 Qui si parla di tutto, siete i benvenuti! 🎊 Creato: 10/05/2020 📣 Canale: @NewsPlayStation 🆘 Per il regolamento scrivere /regole 🌐 Network: @xnet_xic 📺 http://Twitch.tv/Morningglory_tvGamingView
Introducing Sebastian ChatWillkommen im offiziellen Introducing Sebastian Chat. Hier können wir einander helfen und unterstützen.Language LearningView
Flask Brasil OficialGrupo da comunidade Flask brasileiraProgramming & SoftwareView
Gospel DownloadsGrupo do site G-d / Vamos conversar, conhecer um ao outro, compartilhar músicas e a palavra de Deus! Crie um perfil com foto, e configure seu nome de usuário para facilitar.Ofensas, pornografia e propagandas: BAN*Venha pela música, fique pela amizade.MusicView
NomiswapNew DEX with highest APR: 💵 Utilitarian farming/staking 👥 Binary referral system & rewards 🔄 Trading fees 100% cashback 🚀 Launchpools etc. Website: https://nomiswap.io Сhannel: @nomiswap_news2Crypto & BlockchainView
Telegram 🇨🇱 ChileUsuarios de Telegram de Chile y el mundo. - Todos son parte de la conversación. - Hacer uso del sentido común. - Velar por la sana convivencia. - No spam, no NSFW, no bots, no fake info. - Consultas directamente en el grupo. "¡No acepte imitaciones!"Social MediaView
Jetfuel.Finance & JETSWAP & FORTRESS & GFORCE 🛩 BSC&POLYGONJetfuel's Ecosystem Official Telegram AMM: https://jetswap.finance/ Lending: https://fortress.loans/ Vaults: https://www.jetfuel.finance Announcements: https://t.me/jetfuelannouncements Fortress Only: https://t.me/fortressprotocolCrypto & BlockchainView
FiO OfficialPowered by blockchain and AI technology, FIO is a decentralized ecosystem economy platform that warrants consumers and merchants a self-sustaining and inter-connecting world of commerce. For more info.: www.fio.oneCrypto & BlockchainView
Drupal PortugalChat Comunidade Drupal Portugal. Associa-te em https://drupal.pt Regras: https://groups.drupal.org/node/509417 Drupal é uma Content Management Framework (CMF) em Software Livre. D8 Videos: https://m.youtube.com/results?q=Drupal%208%20playlist&sm=3TechnologyView
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