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BitMart Exchange‼️Please Read‼️ ⚠️Admins will NEVER DM/call you first ⚠️DO NOT send your Email/SMS/2FA code to anyone 💬Channel: https://t.me/BitMartExchange_Channel 👇Official Admins: @MinhVN_BitMart_Admin @Yommey_BitMart_Admin @KVM_BitMart_adminCrypto & BlockchainView
Old ForumMSQ is an AI based Algo-Trading platform which empowers traders to create & optimize trading strategies on various assets with zero coding involved.TechnologyView
Crypto Com Traders and News - 2017 - unnoficialUncensored Traders chat for MCO/CRO Ethereum(erc20) Matic(polygon)BNB BUSD(bep20) 0xE62D305f7Fec44c5c8259014Fe83A075bd504ce7 Bonus referral codes Bybit : 5XNMMY Mexc(no kyc) : 1Scwt Bitget (no kyc) : GZMLR1R8Crypto & BlockchainView
Visual Studio Code — русскоговорящее сообществоЧат, в котором помогаем друг другу разобраться с редактором Visual Studio Code. - не флудить - не флеймить - не офтопить - маты запрещены https://t.me/it_chats То что вы делаете что то в vscode не означает автоматически что ваш вопрос про vscodeTechnologyView
Physics.Math.CodeVK: vk.com/physics_math Библиотека: @physics_lib Заметки репетитора: @mentor_it Канал по безопасности: @hack_theory Советские учебные фильмы: @maths_lib YouTube: youtube.com/c/PhysicsMathCode Помощь в решении: vk.com/itmentor Админ: @physicist_iEducationView
Fixed Matches - Bet and Casino Group👍 Approved Site: Melbet 🎁 Promo Code: BET90 👇 300% Bonus on your first deposit 👇 🌐 https://refpaikgai.top/L?tag=d_3356497m_66329c_registration&site=3356497&ad=66329GamblingView
Among Us: Asia OfficialWhenever you host a game and share code here. We will share daily room code here. Make sure your region is Asia and you have the latest version Discord: https://discord.gg/uNKRMuaGamingView
🔵🔴🟢 Crypto Currency 🔵🔴🟢Crypto Currency🔵🔴🟡 Crypto Currency 🟡🔴🟢 Crypto Currency 🔵🟡🔴 Crypto Carency🔵🟡🔴🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜1. Let us love one another. Be polite and kind to your other code friends. No cursing, arguing, or harassing others. Let's respect the opinions and actions of others. Be sure to help others in need. 🤝2. Let's keep it cleanCrypto & BlockchainView
Python for BeginnersYou can view and join @python_devs right away.Programming & SoftwareView
Rose Premium Signal - Trial❗️ Join VIP members, https://t.me/rosepremiumsignal ❗️ Join Premium members ? Saleoff 65%, only 400 for lifetime, PM @rosycutee2 discount code 'gnt7790'Business & FinanceView
Java Programming ChatEverything related to Java and JVM language programming. https://dontasktoask.com This is an English language group. Advertising without permission lead to ban. If you want help, provide links to your code. Code screenshots are liable to be deleted.Programming & SoftwareView
Kotlin ESThis group is to talk about Kotlin development and general programming topics Web http://kotlinspain.io Twitter https://twitter.com/kotlinspain GitHub https://github.com/kotlinspain @kotlinES_bot @kotlinES_channel @kotlinES_supportProgramming & SoftwareView
Shreyansh's YouTube Fam 😌Group to help you all through out your coding journey Rules: 1) Be Kind 2) No Discussion of live Contests Checkout the youtube channel for latest videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPBYfVKHxpB3bYtJMdW3zQ?sub_confirmation=1Programming & SoftwareView
Tecnologia da InformaçãoGrupo focado em assuntos de Tecnologia da informação, programação e correlatos. Envio de: - Código ou texto? onlinegdb.com, repl.it ou glot.io - Imagem ou vídeo? https://catbox.moe @moe_catbot ou postimages.org Leia as regras /rulesTechnologyView
Tech Apprenants group💨 Join in our programmers unite , if you have any doubt/problems you can ask here and who know the answer they can clarify your problem👍 Join to our official channel👇👇👇 https://t.me/SrishanthgajjaofficialProgramming & SoftwareView
C++ 中文交流欢迎你来这里交流编程经验! Code with love 加入即视为您遵守以下规则 禁止广告、招聘、引战、开车、拼车、黑产、灰产、过激言论、离题话题、作弊及有偿任务,将警告或封禁。吹水和编程起步请移步: @coder_ot 关于本群使用生成式AI的相关规范及建议:不建议使用任何生成式AI来回答问题,如果你需要使用生成式AI,请自行使用,或总结后发出;禁止直接复制任何生成式AI的大段文本到群聊天,违反按照刷屏处理 长段代码请使用 pastebin 展示 不允许任何形式的 spamProgramming & SoftwareView
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