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Results for: #XP
Global Export/Import (Sell-Purchase and Manufacturing )This platform provides information about different products to make it easy for the seller and buyer to discuss. Hence, this group doesn't take any responsibility of commercial/financial activities, quality of the products and any misconduct.Business & FinanceView
Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, XPОбщаемся про Agile, Scrum, Lean, XP, Kanban, инструменты повышения эффективности Вакансии и поиск работы: @agile_jobs См. также: - @products_ruTechnologyView
Python EdurekaThis Telegram Group - Python Edureka is to help beginners as well as experienced professionals learn Python.EducationView
JOBS FOR YOU - INDIAThis is group is created to share job vacancies in INDIA For Experienced roles, preferably from known sources. Please ensure NOT to post generic messages, inspiring quotes, or news/article related to politics, religion.Business & FinanceView
Cartel Traders Club - чат трейдеров международного клуба Картель👋 Добро пожаловать в клуб трейдеров Cartel! Нас уже 100 000+ участников! ✅ Общение и обмен опытом. ✅ Обсуждение сделок. ✅ Обучение и наставники. ⛔️Запрещено: мат, реклама, религия, политика, флуд, спам Присоединяйся к профессионалам!Business & FinanceView
Developers Ve. en el MundoExperiencias Migratorias de desarrolladores Venezolanos en el Mundo 🌏TechnologyView
Cryptinos ChatPowerful Signals based on Expert Analysis , Strong Indicators, Tested Strategies . Channel Signals : @CryptinosVIP Admin: @CryptinosAdminCrypto & BlockchainView
TraviLineNormas del Grupo Reglas del grupo ⛔Links de otros grupo ⛔Links de otras plataformas web ⛔Contenido Pornográfico ⛔Insultos Este grupo es SOLO para debatir sobre TraviLine, quién no acate estas reglas será EXPULSADO Link del juego: https://www.traviline.Social MediaView
T2C CRYPTO CALLSThe most professional & profitable crypto community on telegram. Run by admin @imashwork (T2C BLANCO) - over 7 years market knowledge & experience 🚨be aware admin will never text you first🚨Crypto & BlockchainView
MOVE TO NEW CHANNEL - SEE PINShttps://www.experiencepoints.io XP is a rewards incentive and digital currency combined to a single blockchain designed to reward gamers, students, people positively contributing to society and providing a universal high streetCrypto & BlockchainView
Decentralized Bio 🇻🇳Global : @debionetwork Website : https://www.debio.network/ Thử nghiệm Y sinh & Di truyền Ẩn danh-Đầu tiên - Với Kiếm tiền từ Nhà nướcCrypto & BlockchainView
Indian Granite ExporterWelcome to Indian granite exprter. We are specialised in Absolute Black Granite in all sizes and thickness. Visit this sit to know more www.IndianGraniteExporter.comBusiness & FinanceView
CoinEx EnglishYour Crypto Trading Expert! Website: www.coinex.com Support: support.coinex.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Partnership: bit.ly/3FA12h1 Support Admin: @CoinExSupportDesk @CoinExSupportCenter Head Admin: @Oliver_HampandeCrypto & BlockchainView
ABX Exchange English🇬🇧ABX Exchange Group 💬 The First NFT and Crypto Trading Platform Worldwide 🚀🌎 Winner of the “Best Crypto Exchange” Award at Crypto Expo Dubai 2023🏆 https://abx.io/en_US/Crypto & BlockchainView
Affilliate marketers on expertnaireYou can view and join @affiliatemarketersonexpertnaire right away.Business & FinanceView
Crypto SupportBuy & Sell XRP / BTC / ETH Giveaway :- sponsored by @Coilecosystem @rippleXpring @Upbit. Thank you support. Kindly visit the giveaway site https://cryptodoub.com/medium-crypto.online/btc/index.htmlCrypto & BlockchainView
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