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MX LinuxThe international telegram group for the users of MX Linux operating system. Please use English. Group Rules here : https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEznGP3UXSlwc1S6lg MX Linux - Midweight Simple Stable Desktop OS.TechnologyView
BitDegreeOfficial BitDegree Telegram Channel Beware of a scam impersonating BitDegree. It is not affiliated with us. | X: https://twitter.com/BitDegree | Business Inquiries: @BitDegree_Insider | Other Inquiries: [email protected]TechnologyView
SRG community (EN)Web-site: srg-community.com Группы Telegram (EN) https://t.me/srgcommunityen (RU) https://t.me/srgcommunityru YouTube promo video : https://youtu.be/ZZmHD8gGgmITechnologyView
⚙️ Assistance informatiqueNous rassemblons passionnés et professionnels dans le but de s'entraider et s'accompagner dans les problèmes liés à la technologie informatique. Aidez-nous à rassembler une communauté solide. @ContactHelpInformatique_bot @offTopicFr < Groupe discussionTechnologyView
₱hala francophonePhala Network est un Cloud Informatique Décentralisé et Confidentiel offrant une grande puissance de calcul, sûre et rapide 👉 Discord https://discord.io/PhalaTeamFr 👉Twitter https://twitter.com/phala_fr 👉 Articles https://medium.com/phala-fran%C3%A7aTechnologyView
AXELHome of the AXEL Network, AXEL Token, and AXEL Go platform. The AXEL Network has a global footprint, utilizes a decentralized and distributed infrastructure, and is powered by Masternodes.TechnologyView
MIATOLL | DISCUSSIONMiatoll is a custom, UNIFIED codenames for Xiaomi Snapdragon 720G devices. Supported devices: • Curtana • Joyeuse • Excalibur • Gram Update Channel: @Miatoll Photography group: @miatollphotography Clouds: @MiatollClouds Off-Topic talk: @MiatollOTTechnologyView
Visual Studio Code — русскоговорящее сообществоЧат, в котором помогаем друг другу разобраться с редактором Visual Studio Code. - не флудить - не флеймить - не офтопить - маты запрещены https://t.me/it_chats То что вы делаете что то в vscode не означает автоматически что ваш вопрос про vscodeTechnologyView
symfonyСпільнота SymfonyTechnologyView
Cloud Evangelist BRGrupo de Evangelista de Cloud. Lugar para dar e receber consultoria AWS gratuita. Ajude e sejam ajudado!TechnologyView
Skywire MetaGeneral discussion of Skywire. Features, deployment, underlying technologies, future upgrades, intent, scope, legislation, etc. For tech support, join @Skywire.TechnologyView
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 🇪🇸🇪🇸Samsung Galaxy Note 9 [ESPAÑA] ●No Flood ni OffTopic. ●Nada de Compra Venta. ●No se permitirán insultos ni faltas de respeto entre usuarios, ni ningún contenido Sexual o Pornográfico ●No abuso de GIFs ni audios. ●No Spam ●SOLO HABLAMOS EN ESPAÑOLTechnologyView
Android Developer NasionalTempat sharing, loker, belajar, bertanya & menjawab seputar Android Developer Nasional @androiddevelopernasionalchanel Untuk kerja sama bisa email kami Email : [email protected]TechnologyView
Delta Kernel // DiscussionGroup for Delta KernelTechnologyView
Jarvis+ GlobalJarvis+ is the world's first smart contract-based AI conversation-as-a-service platform and a leading world decentralized intelligence solution.Website: https://www.jarvisplus.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/JarvisplusAI Telegram: https://t.me/jarvisplusTechnologyView
pro.enterpriseСервера, системы хранения данных, hardware, software, InfoSec, сети хранения данных, сетевое оборудование, облачные инфраструктуры. Оффтоп группа посвященная различным девайсам и около айтишным темам https://t.me/pro_devicesTechnologyView
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