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Cyber FolksNo spams, crypto, promotions, carding, social media hacking. This group is specially for beginners who want to learn ethical hacking. This is strictly technical group. Only English. Hacking & programming stuffProgramming & SoftwareView
Golang VenezuelaComunidad de programadores en el leguaje de programación Go de Venezuela Join our meetup group 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es/meetup-golang-venezuela/Programming & SoftwareView
Java Programming ChatEverything related to Java and JVM language programming. https://dontasktoask.com This is an English language group. Advertising without permission lead to ban. If you want help, provide links to your code. Code screenshots are liable to be deleted.Programming & SoftwareView
Kotlin ESThis group is to talk about Kotlin development and general programming topics Web http://kotlinspain.io Twitter https://twitter.com/kotlinspain GitHub https://github.com/kotlinspain @kotlinES_bot @kotlinES_channel @kotlinES_supportProgramming & SoftwareView
Shreyansh's YouTube Fam 😌Group to help you all through out your coding journey Rules: 1) Be Kind 2) No Discussion of live Contests Checkout the youtube channel for latest videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPBYfVKHxpB3bYtJMdW3zQ?sub_confirmation=1Programming & SoftwareView
Tech Apprenants group💨 Join in our programmers unite , if you have any doubt/problems you can ask here and who know the answer they can clarify your problem👍 Join to our official channel👇👇👇 https://t.me/SrishanthgajjaofficialProgramming & SoftwareView
Coding Master GrpHlo Guys, I'll Create this group in which you'll ask your queries & help each other. Also share some useful information. Rules - No Spam No Self Promotion Only Share Useful Information Help Each Other Stay Connected With Us ☺️ Keep Learning 👍Programming & SoftwareView