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Results for: #programming
Just Some Tech😜Free online courses Internship Data science Ethical hacking Guidance Certificates For those who love programs.EducationView
Ethiopian Space Science SocietyA nonprofit, civil society organization that promotes and advances astronomy, space science, and space technologies in Ethiopia through space awareness activities, educational programs, and a nationwide developmental program.EducationView
Software engineering blogsYou can view and join @software_engineering_blogs right away.Programming & SoftwareView
Java DeveloperMAKE JAVA GREAT AGAIN Мемы: @java_memesMemes & JokesView
Dev Useful StuffHere you can find some interesting links to development libraries, frameworks, tools, plugins and articlesProgramming & SoftwareView
VS TUTORIALSHello everyone! Welcome to my Channel! I am Vipin Sharma, a self-taught Developer. I make tutorials on UI/UX designs, website designs, android app designs, Python Programming, etc. I hope you will like my videos. Subscribe Now on YouTubeEducationView
Internship Program MalaysiaDear Employers, we now have 2 ways to post your internship placements ... 1) via our InternPlace Website http://InternPlace.com.my 2) via our Telegram Channel (pictures only) https://forms.gle/4QsoiPqAsxpQMgD78 For details => contact us at 0123360969Jobs & FreelancersView
4gophersЯзык программирования Go https://4gophers.ru/Programming & SoftwareView
Electron — русскоговорящее сообществоYou can view and join @electron_ru right away.TechnologyView
PixysOSWEBSITE https://pixysos.com GERRIT http://gerrit.pixysos.com GITHUB https://github.com/PixysOS OFFICIAL Discussion https://t.me/PixysOS_chat Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/PixysOS/TechnologyView
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