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Results for: #SCIENCE
MachinelearningПогружаемся в машинное обучение и Data Science Показываем как запускать любые LLm на пальцах. По всем вопросам - @haarrp @itchannels_telegram -🔥best channels Реестр РКН: clck.ru/3FmqriTechnologyView
Trust me, I'm a "Biologist"THE place for biologistsScienceView
MPSC ScienceHere u can get all letest info about science and technology, useful for comp. exams. @eMPSCkatta @ChaluGhadamodi @Jobkatta @Marathi @MPSCEnglish @MPSCPolity @MPSCEconomics @MPSCGeography @MPSCHistory @MPSCScience @MPSCAlerts @MPSCCSAT @MPSCMaterial_mvEducationView
Будни УчёногоНаучный сотрудник одного из многочисленных НИИ Москвы вот уже 7 лет. Публикуюсь в европейских журналах и когда-нибудь допишу дисертацию. Чат канала @science_elite По всем вопросам @re_tripScienceView
Just Some Tech😜Free online courses Internship Data science Ethical hacking Guidance Certificates For those who love programs.EducationView
Biology.with.dr.rezaeiYou can view and join @biologyforlife right away.EducationView
Astronomy Picture Of the DayAstronomy Picture Of the Day A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each dayScienceView
Ethiopian Space Science SocietyA nonprofit, civil society organization that promotes and advances astronomy, space science, and space technologies in Ethiopia through space awareness activities, educational programs, and a nationwide developmental program.EducationView
ZeroPointEnergyForumExploring the edge of science, physics, meta-physics, magnetism, nantechology, new and alternative energies of all varieties.ScienceView
Scientific DocumentariesRegular updates of new scientific documentaries posted on the website www.scientificdocumentaries.comScienceView
Frontend TextbooksКрупная база книг по Frontend. Наши каналы: + Книги по Python – @python_textbooks + Материалы по Data Science – @ds_notes Куратор: @masha_goroshkoTechnologyView
Current affairs & newsHistory, geography, science, economicNewsView
Neue Medizin BibliothekMedizinisch-biologische Themen auf wissenschaftlicher Basis kritisch beleuchtet. 💡Fundierte Recherchen für nachhaltiges Wissen.ScienceView
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