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Results for: #language
Opensource FindingsLinks and concise reviews on open-source tools, news, and talks about language-design, trends and fundamentals. Write-only. If you like this project, you can sponsor it directly: https://github.com/sponsors/wemake-servicesTechnologyView
Daily UpdatesAll In ONE... LANGUAGE : English,Marathi & Hindi All News Updates Exclusive Fresh and Daily Update World Wide News📰🌍 Newspaper 📰 Sports News🏏 ⚽🏉🏸🏑 Social Media News 🗞️ Photography and Graphics News📷 Movies News and Update Fashion And Model NewsNewsView
Best Funny Videos 🤣Funny Videos & GIFs. No Matter what language you speak. This channel will make You Laugh. ➡️ Contact = @cloudflare ➡️If you have Some Gifs or Videos then to Share to Group:- @Memes_comedy Ads:- https://telega.io/c/FunnyEntertainmentView
Detachmentاولين قطار كه رسيد، سوار شو، فرار كن... https://t.me/HarfBeManBOT?start=MjA4MjIyNDcwLanguage LearningView
Urdu ki DunyaOur Channel is all about Interesting Life Issues, Health Tips, Latest News, Interesting Facts, Viral issues, Pakistani Hot Issues, Pakistani Politics In Urdu Language.NewsView
OSM Blog ItalianoTutte le notizie dal blog di Open Street Map in italiano @osmbloges para el idioma español @osmblogen to english language @osmblogfr pour la langue français @osmblogde zur deutschen Sprache @osmblogpt para o idioma portuguêsTechnologyView
Turkish Language Basic Course (TLBC)Learning Turkish language for Daily Conversation with Dian AkbasLanguage LearningView
KDH KOREAN DRAMA Hindi🤯🤯 Hindi PREMIUM KOREAN DRAMA, MOVIES & AINME WITH ALL FACILITIES🤯🤯 All Kdrama Hindi language JOIN NOW @BKD_Korean_Drama_Hindi_dub @krgm_korean_drama_official Owner👉1 @Bilal_The_Kings Owner 👉2 @nx_razz Owner 👉3 @ruturaj_kingEntertainmentView
TOEFL Prep OnlineBoost your scores with TOEFL prep online! Why you should take TOEFL? 1. For higher education in a foreign university 2. To take admission in an English language learning program 3. To apply for a study visa Our methodology WORKS!!!EducationView
OSMF News PortuguêsTodas as notícias oficial da Fundação OpenStreetMap @osmbloges para el idioma español @osmblogen to english language @osmblogfr pour la langue français @osmblogde zur deutschen Sprache @osmblogit per la lingua italianaNewsView
Last T TryYou can view and join @englishspeakingpartnersgroup right away.Language LearningView
Learning English Together🚩Created: September9, 2016 🚩Director: Aylar Educational channel for Learning English language in the best way, blended with idioms, expressions, writings, and topics of Ielts. ✅Group: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEMmPNs1LKmw04sbzQ 🔊channel:Language LearningView
pay 70rs for this username NOBITA betiYou can view and join @hindi_english_chatting_grp right away.Language LearningView
r/engrishBest english fails every hour Powered by @r_channelsLanguage LearningView
MPSC EnglishHelp you to improve your vocabulary , understanding , grammar and develop your sense of English language . Join us @MPSCEnglishLanguage LearningView
GRAND Language SchoolИнформационный канал языкового центра "GRAND" Тел/Факс +99871 237 09 00 E-mail: [email protected] Адресс: пл. Х.Олимджана, 13А. Карта: https://goo.gl/L7ou1y facebook.com/grandtashkent web: www.bemidavs.uzLanguage LearningView
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