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Results for: #devs
The DevsDevelopers community on Telegram. https://thedevs.network Jobs: @thehire Have something to share? @thedevs_shareTechnologyView
queroser.ninjaDicas para devs, promoções dos cursos Ninja em primeira mão e livestreams direto do Telegram!TechnologyView
TheFrontEnd🔥📝 Articles 🗞 News 👓 Tutorials 🤔 UI/UX thoughts on front end💡 mobile📱 and web dev 🖥 Admin: @masant1TechnologyView
Telegram ViewCount ServiceIncrease your Telegram Post Views with our Service! For dev support join: https://t.me/viewcount_service_chatTechnologyView
Dev KZ | VacancyКанал для объявлений о IT вакансиях в KZ(только от компаний из KZ) О вакансиях к: @piklime Шаблон: - Небольшое описание (с названием компании) - Обязанности - Требования - Условия - З/п - Контакты @findwork - вакансии KG @devkz - Чат программистовTechnologyView
Salesforces Vlocity devSalesforce videos Omnistudio Studio Industry cpq Order management. Salesforce marketing cloud Salesforce admin Salesforce developement Salesforce integration Salesforce Cpq Salesforce lightning Salesforce lwcTechnologyView
Hacker News 🚀Great daily compilation of news from https://news.ycombinator.com/. For communication: https://twitter.com/velyio Y Combinator Resources for Devs https://bit.ly/2GVjByj A List of Hacker News's Features and Behaviors https://bit.ly/2tuv2FhTechnologyView
TON Dev NewsShort announces with new services, tools, libraries and their features. Request a post: https://t.me/tondev_news/33TechnologyView