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Bookspotz - The Independent AI PublicationBookspotz is an independent publication by Digital Marketing Legend "Srinidhi Ranganathan" - The Human AI and AI Veteran "Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar". Visit https://www.bookspotz.com now and be mind-blown. Collab Link: https://erzy.net/newudemycoursesTechnologyView
TSARKA (official channel)Новости информационной безопасности от ЦАРКА Новостной сайт: www.cert.kz Сайт компании: www.cybersec.kz Публичный чат: https://t.me/cyberseckz ФБ: https://www.facebook.com/cyberseckz Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/certkz/TechnologyView
Programming DiariesWelcome to programming Diaries. To find different articles, resources, blogs, questions, tutorials, books and many more about various programming languages. Contact @jamesScript for info @diaryOfaProgrammerGroup for discussionTechnologyView
3D Graphics World3D Models / Textures / Softwares / Plugins / Tutorials & E-BooksTechnologyView
Tasker Super Brasil (Canal)🇧🇷 Telegram Grupo: https://telegram.me/TaskerSuperBrasil FB Página: https://www.facebook.com/TaskerSuperBrasil FB Grupo: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaskerSuperBrasil YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TaskerSuperBrasil 🇧🇷TechnologyView
Playdede AvisosWeb: https://playdede.nu (ya no utilizamos .com) Grupo de Telegram: https://t.me/playdedetelegram Twitter: https://twitter.com/playdedeweb Discord: https://discord.gg/CeePS3gFeE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/playdedeTechnologyView