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Learning English Together🚩Created: September9, 2016 🚩Director: Aylar Educational channel for Learning English language in the best way, blended with idioms, expressions, writings, and topics of Ielts. ✅Group: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEMmPNs1LKmw04sbzQ 🔊channel:Language LearningView
r/engrishBest english fails every hour Powered by @r_channelsLanguage LearningView
Twitter 戰線 channel (要FC)攞任務㩒入 @TwitterHelpBot 打 /task 每日不限時間 隨時做得 長攞長有 先like & retweet 再視乎能力comment 非大台 有意見PM @chresa (休息中) 有機構/名人/外媒tweet 上報 @VladimirPutin852 有爭議性會 #公投 [民主社會少數服從多數] 有行動會 #Twitter吹雞Language LearningView
🇺🇸 Let's Learn English 🇬🇧An English channel which cares about the most powerful and splendid vocabulary and idioms 😌 قناة تهتم بتقديم أقوى الكلمات والمصطلحات المهمه في حياتنا اليوميه ومع الترجمه العربيه إضافة إلى الأمثلة 😌Language LearningView
Arike Pasargad Language CenterArike Pasargad Language Channel is for all who want to learn Languages from scratch to advanced levels, step by step in all skills @arikelanguagecenterLanguage LearningView